When reality gets shaken, ask, what’s the purpose in Coronavirus?

We all share the same emotion of awe, and  amazement at the impact the coronavirus has had on the world and in our individual lives. A miniscule particle, not seen by the eye, has taken the world by storm changing every aspect of how we live and interact with our surroundings. Coranavirus is challenging our view of reality. What we call life as we know it. During this crisis, we must ask ourselves what’s the purpose.

We are having to spend sums of time with our family. Many of us are working from home or not working at all. There are no distractions like shopping, beauty parlors, or sporting events. Home cooked meals is the dominating way people are having their food, just look at instagram photos of #coronavirus and the meal options are endless.  

Our lives have changed forever. Coranavirus is temporary, we are in a state of emergency. This situation soon will be over, but its effects will have long term changes. We, as a people have changed. 

Coronavirus is here to cause change, what can we learn?

Purpose in Coronavirus

Through Coronavirus, we have learned the world is fragile. A microscopic organism can easily shut down borders, freeze economies, and keep people in their homes. We have little interaction with the outside world on a physical level, our outdoor distractions are at a minimum.

We are learning we are more interconnected than we thought. The unity felt across countries, races and social strata is astounding. 

Oneness through this crisis 

We are one people unified by the outbreak of a virus. By a shared experience. Coronavirus has shown us we are so connected that we are living one reality. Our unity bypasses landmass, oceans, languages, and cultures that no matter who you are or where you live, your life has changed.

Our interconnectedness also makes clear how one person has the power to tilt the world by his actions. In spiritual talks, we often hear of this phenomena; we can impact the world with one good deed, or a negative action. How can anyone deny this after the situation we are in,  after the action of one person in a remote village has turned the world upside down? 

Family bonding is number one phenomena of the virus crisis 

Coronavirus makes crystal clear the importance of family and the time we need to appropriate towards developing this bond. We are spending lots of time with our nuclear family.

Education at home has been more evident than anything else. As I sit at home like many parents providing care for my 3 children. Mothers and parents are educating children from home.

We are having to be creative and take the initiative as to how our family is spending time together, what activities we are partaking and how much time they are setting for technology. 

For some people, they can’t recollect a time where this amount of free time was at their hands. Being able to sit for meals, read and write, or watch films.

If you didn’t like your family, well, G-d help you because coronavirus is the therapist that is forcing you to confront the uncomfortable.  Whether we are enjoying it or not, family is central. It’s what we first have to concentrate on.

Caring for each other at this time is what’s important. This caring then gets expanded to our community by being there if they need necessities and by keeping our social distance. 

Caring for others is a central theme of this outbreak. 

We ourselves might be immune to it, or have had a case of coronavirus and because we must care for others, we take precautions for their wellbeing. The wellbeing of people with compromised immune systems, the sick and particularly the elderly. 

Taking care of the elderly is an act of service. Taught through time and in all stages of life. I remember since I was a child, my mother taught me respect for the elderly. Oftentimes, volunteering of our time to visit senior homes and make conversation with many that desire human connection.

The irony in this crisis is that these same elderly who need company are the ones most affected and in order to service them, we must stay away. It’s a sad paradox. One that they understand yet, it doesn’t kill the craving for connecting with others. 

The coronavirus crisis teaches us we must take care of our elderly population. They are the most vulnerable in our society across the world. They are at a time in their lives that their bodies are weaker and are experiencing pain, weak immune, organ failures and a variety of mental illnesses. Some illnesses are caused by age and others from the reality of the change of lifestyle. Not going to a job, not having a social life, and feeling of less value.

The elderly population are the suffering people of our population and we as a nation have to take care of them. This means going beyond social security, it means educating our children to be of service to them and give their time to do kind acts for our senior citizens. 

Our sensitivity for others has risen. That is a good thing. This virus has raised our awareness for other people and that we have a part to do in their wellbeing. It has asked us to take ourselves a level higher in thinking and doing for others. A level higher in our hygiene. Washing our hands to keep ourselves and our families safe. 


This washing of our hands represents our purity in the world we interact in. We wash because we are going to engage in an act of creation. Whether it is cooking, talking to our family, or working on our computers. Every interaction is exactly that, an act of creation and it deserves a level of respect and cleanliness.

The concept of wash is not physical, but spiritual. Ask yourself how clean are my conversations with my boss, my business dealings, how I conduct myself in front of my kids. When we stay clean in thoughts, speech and actions we feel good about ourselves for elevating the world. 

Education in our homes by the way we behave is an important takeaway from Coronavirus. 

We are a living example to our kids how we deal with challenges. When we keep our cool, they also learn to keep their cool. Seeing the opportunity in being bound to a space and with limited outside activities is something we can be victorious over and teach our kids this skill. We will always have challenges our way, how we see them and handle them is the defining aspect of our success.

Less is more 

This situation is the greatest teacher in showing us, we can do with less. Our world is about working and overworking to have and accumulate material things. We go about our whole day chasing money and chasing distractions. Our new normal we see we can do with less. We don’t need a manicure every week or to go to restaurants as often as we do because home cooked meals do the job. Our surroundings are inundated by things and places that we don’t need as much as we thought we did.

The economic landscape of the crisis is showing us all the business that don’t need to be in business. Why do we need strips of restaurants and shops? Stores filled with the latest expensive fashion? I am not saying let’s not have any pleasures, not at all. What I am trying to convey is that we are fine with less.

Our society has lost sight of the mission, the purpose of life. What we are here to do. Partly, because of the distractions in our world. You take it away, as coronavirus has and we can see the things that are truly important. The simple things. 

The simple life where a hug matters. Making time for family meals. Making time for friends and staying in touch with our social circles. Taking time to explore nature and outdoors.

These things tend to be counter to being productive and achieving certain levels of success. Without that, we loose our humanity. We loose ourselves. 

Coronavirus is here to reset

Coronavirus is here to remind us we are one. One people who are interconnected and with a mission to elevate the world to a higher standard. Let’s not get lost with distractions and things that are not eternal and of no value. Family, doing for others, service to the elderly, education, keeping clean in mind and body, that’s what we need to concentrate on.

We are on a reset. An imposed reset where we have to go back to the fundamentals and create the habits the world will thrive on. It’s time to nourish ourselves, our families with nourishing  food, thoughts,  and love for one another. 

What’s the purpose in coronavirus? The purpose is to remind us what is truly important. It is here to elevate mankind. Call a friend or family member and put yourself in their shoe, what would you like to hear? Reach inside yourself and offer a listening ear and caring words.

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