One of the most difficult things we can do is to live with someone we do not get along with. When this person is a child or stepchild in which we cannot disperse into the world, we get called to find ways to make it work. Find a middle ground if possible or at least ways to make it livable. Because without this understanding, survival is not possible for either party. Being a parent to a teenager or young adult often gives you this opportunity to develop diplomacy and communication skills.
I certainly got a chance to develop many skills outside of my comfort zone when I married a man with three children five years ago. Anyone in a second marriage with children in between can tell you, it’s a challenge to intertwine families. At times is difficult to navigate rules, habits, and dialogue with my stepchildren where I get to the state of not wanting to deal with it. But that is not an option because my marriage and my family is the only option. Without doubt, I resort to my resources, the bible, teachers, and mentors to find the help on how to tackle a situation. It is interesting when we are looking for answers for our own lives, the world shows it in the most peculiar of ways. In this instance, history and the recent event in Israel unfolds.
If any nation knows about how to make peace at home, is the Jewish nation. Jews are experts in trying to find ways to live with the opposing force or enemy at its side. Sadly, the trial and error of finding ways to live at peace has only led to anguish, displacement, and persecution. It has caused a great loss of Jewish lives.
Look at history, in 586 BCE (before common era) when the destruction of the first temple happened, Jews were exiled into Babylon. Then, in the Common Era- 70 CE, during the destruction of the second temple Jews were scattered across the Roman Empire. Without a proper home, The Jewish nation was at the perils of other governments that wanted their expulsion if not destruction. Throughout Europe there were anti-Sematic attacks in the 19th and 20th century. Families and communities were displaced. Then, the Holocaust. We need not to discuss the horrific events that took place.
After the atrocity of Holocaust, Israel was established once again as the Jewish homeland. Since 1948 there has been turmoil between Israel and Palestine. The Jewish homeland came at a cost, displacing a population of Palestine’s. This has resulted in wars. Fear, anger and loss of life is the price paid for the inability to come to a proper understanding on how to live under one roof.
Attempts have not been the problem, strategist, and governments in power have thought of possible solutions but, it’s hard to let go and start anew. Each nation attached to its views and making claims to the same land. And the land is so limited.
It’s essential to keep clear what the bible says regarding the land, and its people. Israel, as G-d’s chosen lamplighters, must show the way to create peace through strength. Israel must not forget what an essential piece it is to the world, and continue to send out Jews who are educators, physicians, artist, and everything in between. Without the land, or peace in it, the Jews mission is lost.
What does Torah literature tell us on how to deal with this issue, Israel-Palestine, and peace in our homes? How does God want us to act to preserve a holy nation and a world for his goodness to dwell in? Because finding a solution is vital for a Jewish nation to exist at peace with the world. Parshat Vayera in the first of five books of Moses- Beresheet, gives us the physical example of the problem at hand today.
And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, making merry.
And Sarah said to Abraham, “Drive out this handmaid and her son, for the son of this handmaid shall not inherit with my son, with Isaac.
“But the matter greatly displeased Abraham, concerning his son. And God said to Abraham, “Be not displeased concerning the lad and concerning your handmaid; whatever Sarah tells you, hearken to her voice, for in Isaac will be called your seed.
But also, the son of the handmaid I will make into a nation, because he is your seed.
Sarah saw that Ishmael’s action was going to impact Isaac into no good. As a mother, Sarah did not want to struggle with having this influence on her child. Understandable. She wanted Ishmael out. God agrees that if Isaac hangs around Ishmael, Isaac would not be able to pertain his holiness. A holiness needed to create a nation of educators the world would need. God tells Abraham to listen to his wife. God is so merciful that he does not give us a situation we cannot handle. It was beyond Sarah to take this fight in her home. Sarah needed to focus on the big picture, to raise this child in her ways.
Ishmael and Hagar left Abraham’s home.
“And Abraham arose early in the morning, and he took bread and a leather pouch of water, and he gave [them] to Hagar, he placed [them] on her shoulder, and the child, and he sent her away; and she went and wandered in the desert of Beer Sheba.”
Hagar scared of their survival induced fear and anger in Ishmael. Fear and anger against Isaac that standstill. Millenniums later, we see what this has caused. This profundity of emotion got stuck and ingrained into a genetic make-up. Trauma is generational. Ishmael represents the Arab nation in which God did make into a great nation, God fulfilled his promise. Isaac, the seed of the Jewish nation. Both nations at peril. Jewish hatred extends across the region, sadly. The actions against Jews speak loudly of the unified sentiment.
What is left to do now? How are Jews to live with hatred in their own roof, hatred in the holy land of Israel. Is a problem it will present itself until is uprooted. Driving the Arab nation is not an option. To displace Palestinians into other land. It will only cement hatred as we see the world chants. Because the world forgets what the enemy can do to Jewish children, parents, and grandparents, any, and every day if possible.
Israel under Torah principals must understand who he is. A leader. A leader is not always love for its decisions, but he has the long view. He has a love for his nation and protects it. The Jew for his knowledge and moral principles is indispensable. Without educators in the world, what would this world be. Because of this need, it needs to assure Jewish survival. A safe home for all Jews in Israel and in exile. Possess the land and be a leader to the Palestine’s to also give them a safe place to live in. If the Palestinians feel safe in their own home, killer organizations like HAMAS will not uproot. If the Palestinians, see a change in their living conditions they will not stand behind radicals like HAMAS that promise a better tomorrow.
Safety and adequate living conditions for all people living in the region is the foundation for peace. It is necessary to establish rules and structures to support people and the government. Israel’s government who protects Palestinian people. HAMAS does not protect its own kind. Evil, death, and revenge is what drives them. If both nations are to survive in one land, Israel must lead the way with the type of arrangement to support this viable idea. But, to get there HAMAS must be destroyed. Israel must show its strength and that is not a nation that gets pushed around. At what cost? Unfortunately, HAMAS decides at all costs, thousands of lives gone due to their hatred.
Living under one roof will be hard: It’s a long road ahead. But it’s the only way. Palestinians cannot be sent away. That land they have also made their home. Israel must do the work Sarah was not able to do. Live with the other nation in her home. It must find a way to make it work through strength and perseverance. Establish its own rules for the whole land and watch after its people.
In my scenario, living with stepchildren at peace and with love it’s the only way. Through communication, patience, and compassion we will find ways to make it work. And with rules that support our structure and goals. We must keep clear who we are and what an essential piece we are in this world. We are here to make this place a beautiful world where God feels proud of his children. May we see the light that shines in us and bring it out to all.
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