We are all finding ourselves with free time to reflect on our lives and analyze if we are living the life we set out to or dreamed of. Coronavirus has forced us to spend time with ourselves and given us the opportunity to get to know us better. To get to know the person we are outside of work, outside the activities that fill our days, oftentimes activities without purpose.
After the initial despair we all suffered of not being able to do the things we thought we couldn’t live without, the new normal has begun to take on a life of its own. There are two approaches, if not more, to deal with this situation. The first being the wallowing in activities to survive the crisis. This includes keeping myself busy with leisure time and things that don’t feed my inner self, my soul. That might be binge watching movies, increase in alcohol intake, and sleeping in more throughout the day.
In this approach we are simply surviving the virus. Besides taking the appropriate precautions of staying healthy for ourselves and others, we are also hiding from ourselves and our potential.
The second approach during the virus, which requires a mind shift, is to see this as an opportunity. All challenges are opportunities to grow stronger and to reveal a part of ourselves we didn’t know we had. This approach asks us to take the initiative and exert control of our destiny. It means we start to learn that thing we always wanted to and never had the time to. Did you ever want to play a musical instrument but never had the opportunity to? Now is the time to explore and develop any skills in you waiting to grow.
The coronavirus will allow us to reach beyond our potential because it’s asking us to go to a place we haven’t been before. To find our inner strength and devote ourselves to a cause we can commit to. It’s giving us the time to introspect and reset. As adults, we seldom get that chance to. It takes an act of nature or an illness to cause a major shift in our behaviors. By being secluded we can take a look at our lives and see what change we want and start doing.
As yourself, what can I commit myself to passionately and unconditionally? Did you want to be an advocate for a cause? You have the time to do it now. To learn about it and shape the future.
The virus presents us with the opportunity to get close to our family. Albeit, our nuclear family is under the same roof, not always do we get to truly spend time doing the things they like. Now is our chance to get to know our kids, take interest in what they are interested in and offer our unconditional love. We have the power as parents to be our children’s guide and help them develop skills of resilience and diversity. Growing up my son had an interest in art which he never developed by choice. This gave us the chance to buy canvas and explore that skill. Besides spending time together in the arts, it also gave me the opportunity to teach him to designate this seamless lonely time to create something beautiful.
Many people struggle to start a health regimen, every year new year’s resolutions are filled with ways to shed a few pounds. The crisis has made it more available to start and keep a health routine than any other time of the year due to the need of getting out of our homes for fresh air. Gyms and fitness centers are closed, but even this has given us the opportunity to start a fitness regimen from the comfort of our homes or the outdoors. I was initially stricken by not being able to go to the boutique fitness gyms I am accustomed to. I began running almost daily and quickly got bored of running every day, not to mention aching with sore legs. This took me to get a little more adventurous with my routines and purchased a hybrid bike and a kayak( I live near the bay). Not only am I enjoying workout routines and outdoors but it’s something I can do with my husband or kids. It has become a shared experience. People are learning that our outdoors and nature are the best method for a fitness routine. We really don’t need to pay a gym to go run in it.
The biggest paradox in all this is that as far a distance we place between our loved one to keep them and us healthy, it also draws us closer, or has the potential to. If you are like me and don’t keep constant communication with family, what an opportunity to help us refine this skill of unity and community. We can be present to family and friends by calling to find out how they are doing, how the virus is affecting them, if they need anything from you.
It is an innate ability as humans to connect to our neighbor. One that to many of us has gotten lost in the shuffle of trying to make a living. We use our resources and leisure time to take pleasure in the things money can buy. Now, this has changed and the opportunity in giving our time and attention to help or listen to our close ones, to community members and complete strangers we hear about who are in need.
There could be no better time to start a habit than now. The virus can improve every aspect of our lives. Every face we give to the world can be altered and elevated. The face we have as a parent, as a daughter, as a friend and a human being. The virus is here to cause a change in us and the world at large. Let’s take advantage of what it came to do. The time is now to make change and live the life closer to the vision. What new habit can you start today?
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